Monday, September 30, 2019

Ongc Corporate Governence

Corporate Governance Corporate Governance is a reflection of the company’s culture, their relationship with stakeholders and commitment to values. ONGC has a pioneer in benchmarking its corporate governance practices with the best in the world. ONGC Corporate Governance philosophy is based on the following principles:- Achieving high level of transparency, openness and accountability and fairness in all areas of operation. Promoting ethical conduct throughout the organization with primary objective of enhancing shareholder’s value.Sound system of internal control to mitigate the risks. Compliance of law, rules and regulation in true letter and spirit. Independent verification of the company’s financial reporting Strategic supervision by the board of directors of appropriate composition, size, varied experience and commitment to discharge their responsibilities. Timely and balanced disclosure of all material information to all Stakeholders. Protection of the inter est of all Stakeholders In recognition of excellence in corporate governance, the following awards have been conferred on ONGC: I.SCOPE Meritorious Award for Corporate Governance 2006-07 received II. ICSI National Award for Excellence in Corporate Governance 2003 III. Golden Peacock Global Award for Corporate Governance in Emerging Economics – 2005, 2007 and 2008 by World Council, U. K IV. Golden Peacock Award foe Excellence in Corporate governance by the Institute of Directors in the years 2002, 2005 and 2006. The company is managed by the Board of Directors which explicates strategies, policies and reviews its performance.The board of Directors has an adequate combination of Functional and Non-Executive Director. The company has a practice of periodic retreats where all the members of the Board and senior officials of the Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas discuss issues of Corporate Strategy and Policy. The company being a PSU, all Directors are appointed/ Nominated by th e President of India. Board / committee Meetings and Procedures: 1. Institutionalized decision making process 2. Scheduling and selection of Agenda items for Board/Committee Meetings 3.Recording minutes of proceedings at the Board Meeting 4. Follow up mechanism 5. Compliance 6. Training and evaluation of non-executive Board members To have the benefit of cumulative knowledge and experience of the ONGC family, an assembly of the past and present members of the erstwhile Oil & Natural Gas Commission and Board is organized every year. The key Executives in-charge of Assets, Basins, Services and Institutes meet periodically with CMD and the functional Directors to review performance and to formulate future plans.The company has the following committees of the board: Audit & Ethics Committee: The role of audit & ethics committee includes the following: i. Oversight of the company’s financial reporting process and the disclosure of its financial information to ensure that the finan cial statement is correct , sufficient and credible. ii. Recommending to the board, the appointment, re-appointment and if required , the replacement or removal of the statutory auditor and the fixation of audition fees. ii. Approval of payment to statutory auditors for any services rendered by the statutory auditors. iv. Reviewing with the management , the statement of uses / application of funds raised through an issue, the statement funds utilized for purposes other than those stated in the offer document and the report submitted by the monitoring agency monitoring the utilization of proceeds of a public or rights issue, and making appropriate recommendations to the board to take up steps. v.Reviewing with the management performance of statutory and internal auditors adequacy of the internal control systems. vi. Reviewing with the management, the quarterly financial statement before submission to the board of approval. vii. Reviewing the adequacy of internal audit function viii. Discussion with internal auditors any significant findings and follow up there on. ix. Discussion with the auditory before the audit commences about the nature and scope of audit. x. To review the functioning of the whistle blower mechanism. Remuneration Committee:ONGC being a Government Company, appointed and terms and condition of remuneration of Executive Directors are determined by the Government through administrative ministry, the Ministry of Petroleum & National Gas. Non Executive Part time official Directors do not draw any remuneration. Shareholder’s/ Investors Grievance Committee: The Shareholder’s/ Investors Grievances committee specifically looks into redressing of Shareholders and investors complaints pertaining to transfer of shares, non receipt of annual reports, dividend payments and other miscellaneous reports.The committee also monitors implementation and compliance of company’s code of conduct for insider trading in ONGC’s securities. H uman Resource management Committee: The term of reference include consideration of all issues concerning human resource planning and management, HR policies and initiatives and promotion. Project Appraisal Committee It examines and makes recommendations to the Board on projects or Capital investment. Health, Safety and Environment Committee The terms of reference includes review of policy, processes and systems on Safety, Health, Environment and Ecology aspects.Financial Management Committee The committee looks upon the matters pertaining to Budget, Delegation of power commercial issues, Forex and Treasury Management, Capital structure, Issue of Securities, Short and long term loans periodical performance review of subsidiaries. Apart from the above committees, the Board from time to time, constitutes Functional committee with specific terms of reference as it may be fit. Meeting of such committees are held as and when the need for discussing the matter concerning the purpose arises .Time schedule for holding the meetings of such committees are finalized in consultation with the committee members. Code of Conduct for Members of the Board and Senior Management: The Company is committed to conducting business in accordance with the highest standards of business ethics and complying with applicable laws, rules and regulations. A code of conduct, evolved in line with the industry practices was adopted by the board on the recommendations of Audit and Ethics committee. All members of the board and senior management have compliance with the code of conduct for the year.Subsidiary Monitoring Framework: All subsidiaries of the company are Board managed with their boards having their rights and obligations to manage such companies in the best interest of their stakeholders. As a majority shareholder, the company nominates its representatives on the boards of subsidiary company and monitors the performance of company periodically. Disclosures The Company has not entered i nto any material financial or commercial transactions with the Directors or the Management or their relatives or the companies and firms, etc. in which they are either directly or through their relatives interested as Directors and/or Partners except with certain PSUs, where the Directors are Directors without the required shareholdings. The company has compiled with applicable rules and the requirement of regulatory authorities on capital market and no penalties or strictures were imposed on the company. Means of Communication: Quarterly or Annual results News release, Presentation Website Annual Report Guidelines on Corporate Governance by DPE: No Presidential Directive has been issued during 2008-09 and the last three years.No items of expenditure have been debited in books of accounts, which are not for the purpose of business. No expenses, which are personal in nature, have been incurred for the Board of Directors and top management. The administrative and office expenses were 3. 79% of total expenses during 2008- 09 as against 5. 45% during the previous year. The decrease in 2008-09 is on account of reversal in 2008-09 of excess pay revision arrear provided during 2007- 08 and also provision of additional gratuity in 2007-08 due to increase in the maximum amount of gratuity to Rs. 10 Lakh from Rs. 3. 5 Lakh.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Ethical System Table

Directions: 1. Fill in brief definitions of each primary ethical theory. 2. Identify alternate names or variations of each ethical system based on your reading of the text and supplemental materials. Match the real-world examples listed below with the corresponding systems. The first one has been completed for you in the table. a. I believe people should be able to eat sand if they like the taste of it. b. I believe that if sand is going to be eaten, it should be available for everyone to eat. c. I believe people should be able to eat sand because it is the right thing to do. . I believe people should be able to eat sand because it is good for one’s health. e. I believe people should be able to eat sand if they decide they want to, regardless of whether it is someone else’s sand. f. I believe people should be able to eat sand if they want to because they are free to make the decision themselves. g. I believe I will eat sand because it is the standard meal for my communi ty. 3. Develop your own workplace example that fits with each system. Present each workplace scenario in a substantial paragraph of approximately 40 words. Although the table field will expand to accommodate your workplace examples, you may list them at the end of the table; make a note in the table to see the attached examples, however, so your facilitator knows to look for scenarios below the table. 4. Format references according to APA standards and include them after the table. |Ethical Theory or |Brief Definition |Other Names for Theory |Real-world Example|Workplace Example | |System | | | | | Duty-based Ethics |Regardless of consequences, |Deontology, pluralism, |C |It is my duty to follow through with | | |certain moral principles are |moral rights, rights-based|I believe people |instructions my boss gives me, even if I | | |binding, focusing on duty rather | |should be able to |do not agree with the concept. It is my | | |than results or moral obligation |Categorical imperative |eat sand because |moral obligation to respect authority | | |over what the individual would | |it is the right |figures. | | |prefer to do (Trevino & Nelson, |Golden rule |thing to do. | | | |2007, Ch. 4). | | | | | | | | | | |In ethics, deontological ethics, | | | | | |or deontology (Greek: deon meaning| | | | | |obligation or duty), is a theory | | | | | |holding that decisions should be | | | | | |made solely or primarily by | | | | | |considering one's duties and the | | | | | |rights of others. Some systems are| | | | | |based on biblical or tenets from | | | | | |sacred. | | | | |Consequence-based |â€Å"†¦an ethical decision should |Consequentialist Theories |B | | |Ethics |maximize benefits to society and | |I believe that if |I know that we signed a contract for a big| | |minimize harms. What matters is |Utilitarianism |sand is going to |new client but we can’t announce it until | | |the net balance of good | |be eaten, it |next month. The benefits to morale of the | | |consequences over bad† (Trevino & | |should be |company and employees outweigh the | | |Nelson, 2007, Ch. 4). | |available for |consequences of making an early | | | | |everyone to eat. |announcement. I should make the | | | | | |announcement. |Rights-based Ethics |Rights are considered to be |Contractarianism |A | | | |ethically correct and valid since |Social Contract |I believe people |Employees have the right to expect a safe | | |a large or ruling population | |should be able to |working environment since that is part of | | |endorses them (Ridley, 1998). | |eat sand if they |the social contract in modern America. | | | | |like the taste of | | | | | |it. | |Human Nature Ethics |Ethical values that are hard coded| |D | | | |into people as being part of the |â€Å"Common Courtesyâ₠¬  |I believe people |A co-worker has the need to switch shifts | | |human race. Natural tendencies | |should be able to |to care for a sick family member. If the | | |instead of man-made law for making| |eat sand because |other individual doesn’t have a pressing | | |decisions. | |it is good for |engagement it would be nice to switch the | | | | |one’s health. |shift and help them out. | | | | | | |Relativistic Ethics |Moral disagreements are caused by |Moral Relativism |F | | | |the fact that everyone in theory | |I believe people |Based on the position someone has in a | | |is right in their own way. |â€Å"When in Rome, do as the |should be able to |company it may not be appropriate for them| | |Individuals only have to be true |Romans do. |eat sand if they |to have visible piercings or tattoos when | | |to themselves and no one else. | |want to because |a more professional demeanor needs to be | | | | |they are free to |maintained. Others may be able to since it | | | | |make the decision |doesn’t affect their performance or the | | | | |themselves. |company image in their position. | | | | | | |Entitlement-based | | |E | | |Ethics | | |I believe people | | | | | |should be able to | | | | | |eat sand if they | | | | | |decide they want | | | | | |to, regardless of | | | | | |whether it is | | | | | |someone else’s | | | | | |sand. | |Virtue-based ethics | | | | | | |The virtue ethics approach focuses|Community ethics, |G |The quality control team in our company | | |more on the integrity of the moral|professional |I believe I will |has to carry food handlers and safety | | |actor than on the moral act |responsibility |eat sand because |cards. I should be able to trust that food| | |itself. In virtue ethics, |The Disclosure Rule |it is the standard|provided as sample meets the standards of | | |character is very much defined by | |meal for my |the guidelines that they accepted when | | |one’s community (Trevino & Nelson,| |community. |getting that certification. | | |2007, Ch. 4). | | | | Reference Trevino, L. K. , & Nelson, K. A. (2007). Managing business ethics: Straight talk about how to do it right (4th ed. ). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Ridley, Aaron. (1998). Beginning Bioethics. New York: St. Martin's Press.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Marketing Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Marketing Plan - Assignment Example mers across the nation to create their respective online profiles, search for games they are interested in and place a bid for purchasing games from other users. This transactional relationship could be based upon 1) paying the full price of the video game or 2) exchanging video games without the payment of additional costs. The premise of Game Change Inc.’s platform is based upon the notion of acting as an intermediary between two entities (the buyer and the seller) for assisting and facilitating the completion of the transaction and shipping the product to the respective buyer. Moreover, the product idea is also based upon reviving the concept of C2C online purchasing by designing a platform which exclusively serves the Canadian market that is recognized as being the third largest nation in terms of the development of video games (Entertainment Software Association of Canada, 2013). According to Kotler and Armstrong (1991), the tool of SWOT analysis can be applied with respect to the company for the purposes of conducting an effective assessment of the market in which it operates. The identification of the organization’s internal and external matters through the execution of this model can allow the company to have a better view of how it develop its strength to significantly benefit from opportunities while, eliminating the noted threats through the minimization of weaknesses. The strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the company can therefore be recognized as follows: The strengths of Game Change Inc. are incorporated in the flexible pricing plans which are being offered by the service as unlike the organization’s competitors, the company is focusing upon offering full payment and exchange plans. Secondly, it must also be recognized that unlike its primary competitors Kijiji, eBay and Amazon, Game Change is an exclusive and dedicated gaming platform which strives to enhance the gamers’ overall purchase experience. Therefore, the company

Friday, September 27, 2019

Authenticity and Commercialism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Authenticity and Commercialism - Essay Example For instance, in the late 1980s and early 1990s, an underground music revolution was taking place in Seattle, aptly called "grundge" due to the unkempt, unshaven, and slovenly appearance of the band members who were producing this "new" type of music. Independent bands like Pearl Jam and Nirvana, were known locally on the Seattle club scene, however, the rest of the country was not aware of this independent movement in music. However, it would not be long before the popularity of this new sound caught the eyes and ears of commercial music labels, which signed many of these bands to recording contracts. Once this occurred, the public was given a taste of grundge and Nirvana and other similar bands became superstars and commercially successful throughout the country, and even the world. This culturally unique music, once only played in the underground clubs of Seattle, was now commercially viable and its authenticity was somewhat lost in the process. Although authenticity may be lost by virtue of commercialism, the authenticity of a product or practice may actually increase its commercial value (Szekely 93). ... Once those in the public get wind of the latest trend or the newest "authentic" music, they too want to be part of the experience or the movement. Therefore, more of the music is sold, which increases its commercial value tremendously. What Are the Implications When Commercialism Destroys Authenticity, Yet Increases Commercial Value One major implication of these two phenomenons working together is that authenticity is lost and commercialism is increased, however, it is the authentic nature of the product or practice that propelled it into commercial popularity. Furthermore, this would suggest that authenticity is a fleeting thing, and is stripped once commercialism takes hold and. Conclusion Authenticity and commercialism are not mutually exclusive as, ironically, it is authenticity that can propel a product or practice to commercial success. Therefore, commercialism is only detrimental to a product or practice in the destruction of its authenticity, but is instrumental in giving an authentic product, success and notoriety. Works Cited Szekely, Michael. "Pushing the Popular, or toward a Compositional Popular Aesthetics."Popular Music and Society 29.1 (2006):

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Feature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Feature - Essay Example Regenerative braking is the technology where the friction energy from braking physical systems such as elevators going down are captured and converted to usable energy, in this case electricity that can then be used to power the elevator system and to supply the electricity needs of the immediate floors and areas within the building. This regenerative braking feature of the elevators is attributed to the technology work of Kone, the provider of the elevator system to the Bullitt Center. The placement of the elevators and the provision of stairs add to the energy efficiency of those elevators because such limit the use of the elevators themselves. Moreover, by design, the elevators are 60 percent more power efficient than regular elevators used in other buildings. All these add to maximum energy efficiency and electricity savings for the Bullitt Center, while at the same time making sure that those who do need the elevator system, such as the disabled, are able to access the elevator systems conveniently. This feature adds further to the overall energy efficiency of the building and the regenerative braking adds to the electricity sources of the building, apart from the solar panels installed on the roof (Hanscom; EarthFixMedia; Bullitt

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Russia - National Security Presentation Speech or

Russia - National Security - Speech or Presentation Example NEXT SLIDE (TALK ABOUT THE FLAG (VGT) d. Overview: At 6.6 million square miles Russia (also known as the Russian Federation) is the largest nation-state in the world today. It encompasses all of northern Asia and north-eastern Europe. On the south, from west to east it borders on Kazakhstan, Mongolia and China (and furthest east, for a mere 11, miles it borders on North Korea. On the west, from north to south it borders on Norway, Finland, the Baltic States, Belarus and the Ukraine. e. It's national flag is a tricolor with bands of white, blue and red. Officially adopted in the 1890s and again in the 1990s, after the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the abandonment of the 'hammer and sickle' flag, it has been in use since the 17th century and its origins are shrouded in the mists of history. f. The total population is approximately 142 million and the capital city is Moscow with a population of 8.6 million. NEXT SLIDE In the wake of the Second World War a bi-polar world emerged wi th the Soviet Union and the United States as the world's two superpowers. With the dissolution of the Soviet Union in the 1990s some analysts suggested that the United States was the world's sole superpower and that the 'Cold War' had ended. Francis Fukuyama went so far as to suggest that capitalism had defeated socialism and history had ended. This proposition has proven to be ridiculously utopian. As is true of every state, Russia's national purpose remains advancement of its international interests, national security and national prosperity. In pursuit of these goals its major adversary remains the United States and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO); the alliance developed during the Cold War to ensure the security of Europe and link the United States with Canada and the democratic states of western Europe. The Russian Federation's minor adversaries are principally internal. Russia faces threats and terrorist adversaries in Chechnya, the northern Caucasus and througho ut the predominantly Muslim south-eastern portion of the country. On January 29, 2011 Reuters reported that the January bombing at Moscow's main airport was an operation carried out by North Caucasus separatist, terrorists. The report also identified the ethnic, religious and economic conflict at the root of the adversarial relationship: â€Å"Russia's leaders are struggling to contain a growing Islamist insurgency in the region, a strip of impoverished, mainly Muslim provinces along predominantly Orthodox Christian Russia's southern border.† (Reuters, 2011) Russia and the United States share an opposition to Muslim fundamentalism and terrorism. However, there are also multiple, potential points of conflict with the United States. The United States is committed to global democratization and human rights while the legitimacy of Russian democracy remains questionable. It is widely believed that the current Prime Minister and former President Vladimir Putin moved to the Prime Mi nistership to maintain control and subvert term limits on the President while remaining the 'power behind the throne'. Additionally, Russian corporations have often used accusations of economic malfeasance and other trumped up charges to take over the assets of foreign investors. These infringements on the rights of individuals and corporations remain potential trouble spots between the United States

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Structuralism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Structuralism - Essay Example The famous structuralists, like, Roman Jakobson, Roland Barthes, Claude Levi Strauss and Ferdinand De Saussure have made their contributions in justifying the fact that "a language speaks us". All of these structuralists have tried to develop the semiology or semiotics. These structuralists always took a language as a sign that reflects the thoughts of human being. The philosophies of structuralism were emerged prominently in the 20th century. The concepts that are provided by the structuralism hold more scope for making criticism. The most of the theories given by the structuralism include a margin of objectivity is the reason of the criticism. This objection is termed as the scientific objection. The structuralists tried to prove that we do not speak a language instead language speaks us. The fact is based on the thoughts that everything is produced as a result of some force or power, but the efforts of humans are not enough to produce anything. This statement has been made as a re sult of giving more attention towards the structures, patterns and the systems. (West, 170, 1996) The theories of structuralists are quite contradictory if they are compared with the theories developed by the humanists. Now, we are going to argue on the models developed for a language by the humanists as well as by the structuralists. The model that was presupposed and developed by the humanists states that the human minds are capable of understanding the real world. The human minds are rational and can get to everything that is seen. In the same manner, the rational human mind is able to portray and define the real world precisely up to some extent. This definition is given by making a use of some languages. The approach developed by the humanists relies on the fact that some of the languages are necessarily used for illustrating the real world. According to humanists, a language is the generation of the human minds. A language is totally generated by the will of human beings and no external force is involved in it. This theory suggests that an individual has the ability to decide what he wants to say. It clearly notifies the fact that we speak a language. It also defines the fact that the human minds are able to think and what to say. The human minds are also capable of understanding the meaning of the matter that has been uttered. No other external force is used by the human minds to speak. At this point, the theory of humanists regarding a language clearly denies the theory of structuralists. Every individual makes the use of a language for explaining the self essence or feelings. The individual here gets more value as in this case an individual represents the subject as well. The way of representing ideas and thoughts is also depending totally on an individual himself. Hence, the model considers the individual as the main element. All the meanings and concepts of a language are the generation of an individual's mind, and he is not being forced by any power to speak. So this theory suggests that we speak a language. (Martinez, 1, 1999) On the other hand, if the argument is made on the structuralists' model of a language that suggests

Monday, September 23, 2019

H.W 12 GSC125-01 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

H.W 12 GSC125-01 - Essay Example More intense cells (tropical squall clusters) can form that are similar to middle latitude squall lines. In contrast to middle latitudes, there is very little horizontal pressure gradient. 3. Describe the typical weather in the eye of a hurricane. Answer: The eye is at the center of a hurricane and is an area of almost cloudless skies, subsiding air and light winds. The eye generally ranges from 10 to 65 km across, shrinking in diameter as the hurricane intensifies and winds strengthen. Passage of the hurricane eye is followed by heavy rains and ferocious winds blowing from the opposite direction. 4. What three conditions are required for a tropical cyclone to form? Answer: A relatively high sea-surface temperatures, adequate Coriolis Effect, and weak winds aloft are the three necessary conditions for a tropical cyclone to form. 5. Why does a hurricane weaken when the system tracks from ocean to land? Answer: A hurricane over land is no longer in contact with its energy source, i.e. warm ocean water. Additionally, the frictional resistance offered by the rougher land surface slows the wind and shifts the wind in direction toward the low-pressure center of the system causing the storm to fill and weaken. The system may still produce tornadoes after making landfall, partially due to strong wind shear between the surface and aloft. Chapter 12, Critical Thinking Questions 7.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 29

Economics - Essay Example At this specific combination of price and quantity, both the agents are maximizing their self interests, keeping in mind the other agent’s behavior and satisfying the condition of Pareto-Optimality (Google Docs, page 57-58). A competitive market is identified by three main characteristics: many consumers and many sellers, freedom of choice under the umbrella of perfect information, and the assumption that the agents have a rational behavior in determining their choice, which essentially maximizes their self-interests. To ensure optimality of outcome, the existence of externalities is unacceptable (Howard, 1994, page 384) The market model of a competitive market is thus based on the general assumption that industries seek to maximize their profits, and therefore are competitive. However, given the condition that a single firm is just one part of the many firms in the market, it is projected that it cannot affect the price of the commodity which in this case is ‘the rainwater tanks’. Hence an individual seller is just a price taker, it can be rightly said that it faces a flat demand curve (John and Akila, 2009, page 246) Referring to the diagram (perfect competition) below, the Supply Curve (Ms) interacts with the Demand Curve (Md) in the Industry model, to determine the equilibrium price which is P1, that will become the demand curve of an individual firm i.e. the flat line AR=MC in the Individual Firm model. The quantity supplied by the individual firm is Q1, and the quantity supplied by the overall industry would be the amount on the x-axis (Industry Output), corresponding to P1. The shaded area denoting the profit of any individual firm is an assumption based on the consideration that the supplier has an average cost below the price; However, depending upon every individual firm’s own capacity to supply rainwater tanks and the respective average costs they face, they shall determine their supply curve, and all the individual

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Rights of Children Essay Example for Free

Rights of Children Essay Childrens rights are defined in numerous ways, including a wide spectrum of civil, cultural, economic, social and political rights. Rights tend to be of two general types: those advocating for children as autonomous persons under the law and those placing a claim on society for protection from harms perpetrated on children because of their dependency. These have been labeled as the right of empowerment and as the right to protection. One Canadian organization categorizes childrens rights into three categories: Provision: Children have the right to an adequate standard of living, health care, education and services, and to play and recreation. These include a balanced diet, a warm bed to sleep in, and access to schooling. Protection: Children have the right to protection from abuse, neglect, exploitation and discrimination. This includes the right to safe places for children to play; constructive child rearing behavior, and acknowledgment of the evolving capacities of children. Participation: Children have the right to participate in communities and have programs and services for themselves. This includes childrens involvement in libraries and community programs, youth voice activities, and involving children as decision-makers. [15][16] In a similar fashion, the Child Rights Information Network, or CRIN for short, categorizes rights into two groups:[17][18] Economic, social and cultural rights, related to the conditions necessary to meet basic human needs such as food, shelter, education, health care, and gainful employment. Included are rights to education, adequate housing, food, water, the highest attainable standard of health, the right to work and rights at work, as well as the cultural rights of minorities and indigenous peoples. Environmental, cultural and developmental rights, which are sometimes called third generation rights, and including the right to live in safe and healthy environments and that groups of people have the right to cultural, political, and economic development. Amnesty International openly advocates four particular childrens rights, including the end to juvenile incarceration without parole, an end to the recruitment of military use of children, ending the death penalty for people under 21, and raising awareness of human rights in the classroom. [1] Human Rights Watch, an international advocacy organization, includes child labor, juvenile justice, orphans and abandoned children, refugees, street children and corporal punishment. [19] Scholarly study generally focuses childrens rights by identifying individual rights.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Twelfth Night Essay

Twelfth Night Essay The Different Types of Love Presented in William Shakespeares Twelfth Night True love is sincere based on actions and sacrificial services to make the other happy. It is always quiet and in disguise. Its based on inner qualities and driven by reason, principles of trust and commitment. True love is centered on pleasing the other and is more permanent; growing stronger as time passes. Infatuation on the other hand, is insincere and driven by emotions. Its superficial; based on words and displays of affection. Infatuation is also self-centered; based on external appearances. It expects the other to meet your needs. Moreover, its temporary. Its just a phase that one goes through. William Shakespeare shows us these two types of love outlining the entire play. However, there are more than just these types of love being presented in the play. There is also friendship and self-love, which are two other kinds of love, which is presented in the play. Sir Andrew and Malvolio show self-love in the play. Friendship is also another kind of love that is being presented in the play by Orsino and ‘Caesario. Almost every type of love is being expressed in this play. Sibling relationships, genuine love, self-love leading to complete blind love. The characters also seem to go to extremes to get want they want which is the love that they desire. From this we can sometimes even associate love with their madness to get what they want. In the play, Twelfth Night, we can see that Orsinos romantic infatuation for Olivia leads to sentimental his own self-absorption. We can see this by the quote, â€Å" If music be the food of love, play on, /Give me excess of it, that surfeiting, /he appetite may sicken and so die.†. Here Orsino is relating music to love. Too much or excess music, meaning over-indulgence in music is actually being compared with overeating food. Just like how overeating makes one feel sick, over-indulgence in music in this case, over-indulgence in love for Olivia makes one lovesick and desperate. From another quote, â€Å" Love thoughts lie rich when canopied with bowers† tells us that he needs his surroundings to be very romantic to be able to love. Orsino seems to love Olivia only in such conditions and he feels that his so strong for her that even in a short period of time, his love is so full of fancies. This clearly shows us that his love is actually infatuation for Olivia, as nones love gets strong within just a short period of time. â€Å"O sprit of love, how quick and fresh art thou,† tells us that Orsino is saying that lovers are so hungry that for their lovers that that other good things in life seem to lose their value. The lover is completely wrapped up in his own fertile and intense imagination. This tells us that his love for Olivia is a self-absorbed love. Also, Olivias exaggerated and over-indulged love for her dead brother leads to excessive grief, self- dramatization and self-pity. We can see this from her speech that Valentine made to Orsino regarding Olivia, â€Å"The element itself, till seven years heat, /Shall not behold her face at ample view, / But, like a cloistress, she will veiled walk, / And water once a day her chamber round/ With eye-offending brine; all this to season/ A brothers dead love, which she would keep fresh/ And lasting, in her sad remembrance.†. We can see that that this speech on what Olivia does is exaggerated, as she wants the whole world to know that she is mourning for her dead brother. This shows us that this act of over-indulgence of love shown for her brother leads to self-dramatization of own self. We can also see this, as from the speech, we can see her passion that she has for her dead brother and we can see this passion being displayed in her loyalty and devotion to her brother by mourning for him, which is also self-dramatized. From this act of grieving for her brother we can also see that she is being very emotional here. We can see that she is very emotional here as she expresses her emotions excessively. This tells us that this act of mourning for her dead brother does not only lead to self-dramatization, it also leads to excessive grief being shown out to others. We can also see that this exaggerated and over-indulged love for her brother that she displays also leads to self-pity as through her act of mourning. We can see this by the tears she cries from the lines â€Å"eye-offending brine† that she wallows in self-pity as she is only crying to get attention from others so that others would pity her. Olivias love is demonstrated through the external in this sense it is simply by her tears. There appears a lack of sincerity or genuine love in her actions. In fact, she appears to be self-absorbed. Her mourning draws more attention to her than to her brother . One example showing that is when Orsino himself later praises Olivia and hardly mentions her brother at all. This happens when Orsino says, â€Å" How will she love, when rich golden shaft Hath killed the flock of all affections else that live in her; when liver, brain, and heart, These sovereign thrones, are all supplied and filled, her sweet perfections, with one self king!†. Everything that Orsino said was all about â€Å"she†, Olivia. Nothing of anything that he said was to do with Olivias dead brother. This shows that Olivia only gets pity from others, which in addition is considered as getting self-pity from others like the count Orsino. Moreover, Olivias impulsive and reckless love for ‘Caesario is ironically as misjudged and misguided as Orsinos love for her. We can see that Olivia fell in love with ‘Caesario impulsively and recklessly from the quote, â€Å"Not too fast! soft, soft†. From this quote, we can see that she fears that shes falling in love too fast and gets carried away by her love for ‘Caesario† which shows how fast she actually has fallen in love with ‘Caesario which shows us her reckless and impulsive love for ‘Caesario. It is ironically misjudged and misguided as Orsinos love for her. We can see this the fact that since Orsinos love for her is superficial and Olivias love for ‘Casario is also as superficial as Orsinos is for her. We can see this as she is carried away by her emotions. We can see this from the quote, â€Å"I do I know not what, and fear to find/ Mine eye too great a flatterer for my mind.†. This quote tells us that she is carrie d away by what she feels and what she sees but by not her mind. From this we can tell that her love is superficial as it acts on her emotions, which she feels when she feels, infatuated by ‘Caesario. Olivia also could be accused for self-love, for revealing a rather vain and proud disposition. We can see this from the quote, â€Å"Ist not well done?†. From this quote, we can see that she is rather vain. Another quote, â€Å"Were you sent hither to praise me† tells us that Olivia has a rather proud disposition of herself. From this quote, we can see that she is lost in her own praise and thinks that everyone wants to see her because of her beauty which is not true at all. So from this we can see that Olivia does display self-love revealing a vain and proud disposition of herself. In the play Malvolios self-love is one of the most extreme and unpleasant kind, resulting in overweening pride and self-delusion. The quote, â€Å"wise men, that crow so at these set kind of fools, no better than the fools zanies.† We can see that Malvolio thinks that he is clever than most wise men, thus being arrogant and this leads to showing us that he has overweening pride of himself. He also called Feste a â€Å"barren rascal†. This shows that Malvolio sees himself as a very witty person as he called Feste a witless person by calling him a â€Å"barren rascal†. Another quote, â€Å"Maria once told me that she did affect me; and I have heard herself come thus near, that should she fancy, it should be one of my complexion.† shows us Malvoilo is thinking himself handsome and noble enough for â€Å"she† who is Olivia. Malvolio is blind as he deceives himself just to suit the outlook of the situation. Another example is when in the play he twists à ¢â‚¬ËœOlivias words around to make it sound like she admires his yellow cross-gartered stockings, when Olivia really despises them. Sir Andrew is similarly guilty of self-love. He thinks that people love him because he is witty and dashing. He also reveals a vain disposition of himself, being accused of self-love. We can see from the quote, â€Å"Faith, I can cut a caper.† shows us that Sir Andrew is being vain as he praises himself. This also shows his egoistic character. We can see from that quote that he is dashing as he can â€Å"cut a caper†. Fro this we can see that Sir Andrew has self-love for himself. Another quote, â€Å"Methinks sometimes I have no more wit than a Christian or an ordinary man has†. From this quote, we can also see Sir Andrew thinking that he is witty. Sir Andrew that people loves him because he is witty and dashing. Both of which, he is not at all. So from all this we can see the fact that he has self-love. In Antonio, the play demonstrates the generous and selfless nature of the love inspired by true friendship. We can see this from the quote, â€Å"If you will not murder me for my love, let me be your servant. From this quote, we can see Antonio showing very passionate love for Sebastian. We can also see him being sacrificial, as he wants to serve Sebastian by being his servant. â€Å"let me be you servant† suggests that Antonio wants to follow Sebastian, wants to protect him and wants to be with him. From all this we can see his selfless nature of love that is inspired by true friendship as he puts Sebastian before himself. From the quote, we can also tell his sincerity and generosity that he has by being sincere to Sebastian and also truly being generous by laying out his own self to be Sebastians servant. Also in Sebastian and Viola we can see the intimate and intense love between brother and sister. The first thing Viola says when she steps into lllyria is that, â€Å"My brother, he is in Elysium†.From this we can tell that what she said is being said sincerely as the focus is on her brother and not on herself. We can also see that from the fact that the statement said that it was a short, simple and direct statement. From that quote, we can see Viola displaying love for Sebastian by worrying for him thinking that he is dead. From this we can see the intense and intimate love between her and her brother, Sebastian. Sebastian on the other hand also displays the same affection that Viola displays for him without he himself knowing it as they have been separated at sea. Sebastian while talking to Antonio about Viola says, â€Å"She is drowned already, sir, with salt water, though I seem to drown her remembrance again with more†. From what he says we can see that he has a c lose relationship with his sister, Viola. It also shows that Sebastian is a sensitive person that loves his sister, Viola very much. Through even their times of sorrow and mourning for each of their apparent deaths they still loved each other. Both believed deep down in their hearts that maybe someway or by some miracle that each of them was still alive and well. Through all this we can see the intimate and intense love that both brother and sister, Sebastian and Viola share between each other. Another kind of love portrayed in this play is true love like Violas. Violas patient and consistent love for Orsino is perhaps the most selfless, generous and ennobling of all. The quote, â€Å"We men say more, swear more, but indeed/Our shows are more than will; for still we prove/Much in our vows, but little in our love.†. Viola here says how a womens (herself) love is more faithful, mature, and sincere than men. From this we can see Viola love being the most ennobling of all. Another quote â€Å"Too well what love women to men may owe. / In faith, they are as true of heart as we.† From this quote, we can see the sincerity of Violas love for Orsino. â€Å"And with a green and yellow melancholy/ She sat like Patience on a monument†. This quote tells us of Violas patience; that her patience is stable and unchanging. In only true love can unchanging and stable patience for the person you love can be found. Thus, from this we can see the true love that Viola has fo r Orsino. When Orsino asks her history, Viola says, â€Å"A blank, my lord. She never told her love, / But let concealment, like a worn ithbud, / Feed on her damask check. She pined in thought,† this quote tells us of Violas intense love that is not shown to Orsino. By her words we can tell of her hidden, long suffering that is killing her slowly. This shows her being sacrificial to Orsino, which shows us of her selfless love. Another example of her selfless love for Orsino is when she tells Orsino, â€Å" Ill do my best/ To woo your lady.† From this we can see that she sacrifices her own happiness for his. â€Å"[Aside] Yet a barful strife! / Whoever I woo, myself would be his wife.† This quote is very powerful and strong as it may be observed in the soliloquy, which shows Violas true self, which ends the scene in a rhyming couplet. The love she displays here is sacrificial as she yet again sacrifices her own happiness to make Orsino happy to get what she wants which is to be by him and to serve him. This shows the selfless nature of her love and also the generosity she displays by wanting to serve Orsino which is also the noblest as she does not exaggerate or use flowery language to express her true love for Orsino. Now, another kind of love displayed here is friendship, which I earlier mentioned which both Antonio and Sebastian shared. Another pair who share friendship is Orsino and ‘Caesario. They do not even know each other very well but they got very close within a short period of time. We can see this from the quote, â€Å"He hath known you but three days, and already you are no stranger.†. We also can see that Orsinos and ‘Caesarios relationship is close from the quote, â€Å"Who saw ‘Caesario ho?†. This quote tells us that the first person out of all the servants in his court he calls upon is ‘Caesario which tells us that ‘Caesario is his favourite and that they have a very close relationship. Also we can see that he trusts only ‘Caesario to do such a thing as to go and help him woo Olivia, who is his love. To that ‘Caesario says â€Å"Sure, my noble lord,† and is reluctant to go which shows us that they have an understanding of each other. Thus, from this we can see that they have a close relationship as good friends. Another friendship is between Viola and the Sea Captain. They survived the shipwreck together and the Sea Captain promised to keep Violas idea about pretending to be a man a secret. If the Sea Captain did say anything at all about this in the play, the entire play of â€Å"Twelfth Night† would have changed. We know that he had agreed to keep Viola pretending to be man a secret from the quote, â€Å"Be you his eunuch and your mute Ill be. / When my tongue blabs, then let mine eyes not see.†. From this quote, we even can see that he told Viola that if he told anyone about this his eyes shall be put out, as in to say that Viola may blind him from sight. Thus, we can see a very strong bond of friendship among them. Yet another form of friendship being displayed in the play which is the strangest is the friendship that which both Sir Toby and Sir Andrew share. They are close frien ds but sometimes Sir Toby does not appear to show it as he sets up Sir Andrew and likes to get him into trouble. From the quote, â€Å"Will either of you bear me a challenge to him?†, we can see that Sir Toby challenged Sir Andrew to a duel. This happens in Act three Scene two, even though Sir Andrew is not a good swordsman and he does not know it. However, Sir Andrew appreciates Sir Tobys company as Sir Toby always lifts up his spirits whenever he is â€Å"put down† and makes him feel like a â€Å"true knight†. Twelfth Night consists of many love triangles, however many of the characters that are tangled up in the web of love are blind to see that their emotions and feelings toward other characters are untrue. They are being deceived by themselves and/or the others around them. There are certain instances in the play where the emotion of love is true, and the two people involved feel very strongly toward one another. Violas love for Orsino is a great example of true love. Although she is pretending to be a man and is virtually unknown in Illyria, she hopes to win the Dukes heart. In act 1, scene 4, Viola lets out her true feelings for Cesario, yet a barful strife! Whoeer I woo, myself would be his wife. That statement becomes true when Viola reveals her true identity. Viola and Orsino had a very good friendship, and making the switch to husband and wife was easy. Viola was caught up in another true love scenario, only this time she was on the receiving end, and things didnt work out so smoo thly. During her attempts to court Olivia for Orsino, Olivia grew to love Cesario. Viola was now caught in a terrible situation and there was only one way out, but that would jeopardize her chances with Orsino. Its amazing that Olivia could fall for a woman dressed as a man, but because Viola knew what women like to hear, her words won Olivias heart. This is just one of the love triangle that occurs in the play. â€Å"Twelfth Night† is a romantic comedy, and romantic love is the plays main focus. Despite the fact that the play offers a happy ending, in which the various lovers find one another and achieve wedded bliss, Shakespeare shows that love can cause pain. Many of the characters seem to view love as a kind of curse, a feeling that attacks its victims suddenly and disruptively. Various characters claim to suffer painfully from being in love, or, rather, from the pangs of unrequited love. At one point, Orsino depicts love dolefully as an â€Å"appetite† that he wants to satisfy and cannot; at another point, he calls his desires â€Å"fell and cruel hounds†. Olivia more bluntly describes love as a â€Å"plague† from which she suffers terribly. These metaphors contain an element of violence, further painting the love-struck as victims of some random force in the universe. Even the less melodramatic Viola sighs unhappily â€Å"My state is desperate for my master s love†. This desperation has the potential to result in violence—as in Act five Scene one, when Orsino threatens to kill ‘Cesario because he thinks that ‘Cesario has forsaken him to become Olivias lover. So from this we can see that â€Å"Twelfth Night† is also a romantic comedy which is yet another theme of love that is being presented in the play. Love is also exclusionary in this play as some people achieve romantic happiness, while others do not. At the end of the play, as the happy lovers rejoice, both Malvolio and Antonio are prevented from having the objects of their desire. Malvolio, who has pursued Olivia, must ultimately face the realization that he is a fool, socially unworthy of his noble mistress. Antonio is in a more difficult situation, as social norms do not allow for the gratification of his apparently sexual attraction to Sebastian. Love, thus, cannot conquer all obstacles, and those whose desires go unfulfilled remain no less in love but feel the sting of its absence all the more severely. Love plays a major role in Twelfth Night, and Shakespeare addresses true love, self-love and friendship in a very compelling and interesting way. Twelfth Night is the true definition of love, and I feel that Shakespeare does a great job of explaining a somewhat difficult topic, which is love.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The History of Auditing :: GCSE Business Marketing Coursework

The History of Auditing Abstract The evolution of auditing is a complicated history that has always been changing through historical events. Auditing always changed to meet the needs of the business environment of that day. Auditing has been around since the beginning of human civilization, focusing mainly, at first, on finding efraud. As the United States grew, the business world grew, and auditing began to play more important roles. In the late 1800’s and early 1900’s, people began to invest money into large corporations. The Stock Market crash of 1929 and various scandals made auditors realize that their roles in society were very important. Scandals and stock market crashes made auditors aware of deficiencies in auditing, and the auditing community was always quick to fix those deficiencies. The auditors’ job became more difficult as the accounting principles changed, and became easier with the use of internal controls. These controls introduced the need for testing; not an in-depth detailed audit. Auditing jobs would have to change to meet the changing business world. The invention of computers impacted the auditors’ world by making their job at times easier and at times making their job more difficult. Finally, the auditors’ job of certifying and testing companies’ financial statements is the backbone of the business world. Introduction Auditing has been the backbone of the complicated business world and has always changed with the times. As the business world grew strong, auditors’ roles grew more important. The auditors’ job became more difficult as the accounting principles changed. It also became easier with the use of internal controls, which introduced the need for testing, not a complete audit. Scandals and stock market crashes made auditors aware of deficiencies in auditing, and the auditing community was always quick to fix those deficiencies. Computers played an important role of changing the way audits were performed and also brought along some difficulties. A Brief History of Early Auditing Auditing has existed since the beginning of human society. Auditing was used mostly for the detection of fraud and was done through extensive detailed examination from ancient times until the late nineteenth century (Lee, 1988). Fraud was a great concern during the early history of auditing, because internal controls were not used or not used effectively until the twentieth century. The late nineteenth century was a turning point in auditing history, when laws like the English Companies Act of 1862 were enacted.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Spread of a Cellular Phone :: science

Spread of a Cellular Phone Why did the cellular phone that I was a success which there must be spread now to this place? And would it really do our life wealthily? Finaly, I want to think about society influence by diffusion of a cellular phone . I will want to think about the answer by this sentence while comparing a cellular phone with an old rigid telephone. Primarily I try to think about the effectiveness of a cellular phone. The greatest advantage of a cellular phone telephones it anywhere any time, and it is to be able to receive a telephone. I telephone it so long as there is not you before a telephone by a traditional rigid telephone and cannot receive a telephone. It is for an owner of a telephone to almost leave the next advantage to a receiver surely. A family and the other party understanding the partner who appears than the state that I do not understand who appears among employees of a company as a traditional rigid telephone are easy to hang a telephone much much. These two effectiveness would affect the spread of a cellular phone greatly. As for the instant information nature of a cellular phone, I always very think with an advantage in life controlled by the information that continues changing by a minute unit of an advanced information-oriented society. I want to think with a cellular phone next whether our life became really rich. It is surely easy for a cellular phone to contact you for 24 hours, but it is it in the thing that any kind of time is always restricted to tell the reverse by a company and society. When this goes along, a holiday in pure meaning disappears and does not bear it any longer and must let it is work, and a head trouble. If it is it, you may consider it to be good when I do not want to arrive if I drop a power supply. However, may you drop a power supply as expected if it is generated that anything is serious while you drop a power supply of a cellular phone and thought that it may produce it to a company to be a loss? While primarily it thinks about a thing of a company, and you promise the loyalty to a company, it will be absolutely impossible to do it. Spread of a Cellular Phone :: science Spread of a Cellular Phone Why did the cellular phone that I was a success which there must be spread now to this place? And would it really do our life wealthily? Finaly, I want to think about society influence by diffusion of a cellular phone . I will want to think about the answer by this sentence while comparing a cellular phone with an old rigid telephone. Primarily I try to think about the effectiveness of a cellular phone. The greatest advantage of a cellular phone telephones it anywhere any time, and it is to be able to receive a telephone. I telephone it so long as there is not you before a telephone by a traditional rigid telephone and cannot receive a telephone. It is for an owner of a telephone to almost leave the next advantage to a receiver surely. A family and the other party understanding the partner who appears than the state that I do not understand who appears among employees of a company as a traditional rigid telephone are easy to hang a telephone much much. These two effectiveness would affect the spread of a cellular phone greatly. As for the instant information nature of a cellular phone, I always very think with an advantage in life controlled by the information that continues changing by a minute unit of an advanced information-oriented society. I want to think with a cellular phone next whether our life became really rich. It is surely easy for a cellular phone to contact you for 24 hours, but it is it in the thing that any kind of time is always restricted to tell the reverse by a company and society. When this goes along, a holiday in pure meaning disappears and does not bear it any longer and must let it is work, and a head trouble. If it is it, you may consider it to be good when I do not want to arrive if I drop a power supply. However, may you drop a power supply as expected if it is generated that anything is serious while you drop a power supply of a cellular phone and thought that it may produce it to a company to be a loss? While primarily it thinks about a thing of a company, and you promise the loyalty to a company, it will be absolutely impossible to do it.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Globalization in Sub-Saharan Africa Essay

ABSTRACT It is factual that globalization began before the industrial revolution was existent in the colonial period and continues to be a major influence on how governments worldwide operate. When analyzing the effects of globalization, a common controversial debate is whether globalization has maimed the society or has brought significant benefit. The African society is used severally by anti-globalists to defend their views. This paper explores the negative dynamics of globalization in Sub-saharan Africa e.g. undermining of state sovereignty and hastening of environmental degradation of the continent. However, it does not suggest that globalization is entirely bad nor does it say that globalization is the only cause of Africa’s problems. It proposes some measures that can be considered when globalizing the African market so that this negative effects can be minimized. INTRODUCTION The nations of the world have synchronized their trading goods and services, financial markets, Ideologies, innovations and cultures through globalization. The free flow market policy adopted by many countries has led to significantly positive outcomes in the broader African region for example, creating new job ventures and advancements in technology. However, globalization has also cast a dark shadow on some sectors of the African economy , an issue that this paper will put into perspective with a particular case study on the Democratic Republic of Congo. Some proposed consequences of globalization addressed here include increased conflicts in the area, erosion of state sovereignty, imbalance in the ecosystem and income inequality. Sub-Saharan Africa is a term used to refer to all of Africa except the Northern region. Most of their economies are agricultural based and are not as stable as those in the Western world. The average income in sub-Saharan Africa is below the poverty line level. Nevertheless, this region enjoys a large comparative advantage on raw resources in the extractive industries for example minerals and oil. The demand for these minerals can perhaps explain why immediately before the great recession in 2008,there was the 27% increase in FDI; the highest ever seen(Jaja:3).Foreign companies can obtain these minerals at a very low cost in some African countries and reap huge marginal benefits. Some of the avenues they use to get them are questionable as is the case with the Democratic Republic of Congo. The Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly Congo Zaire) is a central African nation that borders the Atlantic Ocean to the west. Its neighbouring countries include Central African Republic Southern Sudan, Rwanda, Burundi, Angola and Tanzania (the two are separated by Lake Tanganyika).It is the second largest nation by area with over 65 million people. It was a Belgian colony and gained independence in June 1960. DRCongo has the most variety in biodiversity in Africa and enviable amounts of rare natural resources such as diamond, copper, gold, cobalt, timber and coltan. With its resources one would expect that such a country would be awash with prime economic developments, projects to exploit all agricultural potential and high standards of living. On the contrary, most of the civilians in DRC live in poverty and have not benefited from the rich well of resources they have. They are victims of years of civil war, propelled by power- hungry, conniving national leaders and part of the international community. A sneak peak into the colonial history of DRCongo reveals that the exploitation of the minerals for self-intrests is not a recent phenomena. POLITICAL BACKGROUND OF THE DRC In the late 1800s, King Leopold of Belgium acquired full rights of ownership of the Congo territory at the Conference of Berlin. He governed it like private property and the area experienced some developments. However, this came at the expense of the local people because they were treated as slaves and could not reap any fruits from their labour. Intense pressure from the international community on the Belgian parliament led to the reclaiming of the Congo region from the king’s hands. It was renamed The Belgian Congo state from 1908. There was significant economic growth at the time but the indigenous people were on the losing end again, exploited and enslaved. The fight for independence was won on June 1960 with Patrice Lumumba as Prime Minister and Joseph Kasavubu as president. Lumumba would later be fired and Joseph Mobutu, chief of staff of the new army, aimed to ‘restore’ the relationship between the two leaders with the help of the USA and Belgium governments. In January 1961, Katanga forces and Belgian troops executed Patrice. The Katanga succession ended in 1963 with the help of UN forces. There were several governments afterwards; the most notable one being that of Mobutu Sese Seko. His ‘career’ as president began in 1971. He was largely dictatorial; for example he revoked the powers of the legislature, fired the prime minister and conducted an election where he was the only candidate. Funds were mismanaged, state cooperations collapsed and the country was in debt. He renamed the country several times but officially used Congo-Zaire. Note that he had several billions of US dollars in a Swiss Bank account and still had favour with the USA government. It is believed that he even had a world bank official as a personal assistant. This in turn gave him â€Å"confidential information about granting aid to Zaire†. (Reno 1998:152) In 1994, the DRC was a refuge for the many Rwandese Hutus fleeing the Rwandan genocide. Refugee camps a few kilometers from the border with Rwanda were planning zones for attacks into Rwanda. Mobutu cheered them on. However in 1996, Rwandan led forces backed by Uganda and the The Alliance of Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Congo-Zaire, led by Laurent Kabila, advanced into Kinshasa to close down Hutu camps in Eastern DRC.As a result, Mobutu’s government was overthrown when he was away and Laurent Desire Kabila was declared president. Kabila’s leadership was no different from his predecessor’s. Conflict between his government and rebel groups ensued in August 1998 because Kabila saw the Rwandese rebels as threat to his government. The Ugandan group, led by Congolese warlord John Pierre Bemba, formed the Movement for the Liberation of Congo, joined the Rwandese and together they terrorized the citizens and the government .Kabila requested for military assistance from the international community but they hesitantly supported him since they did not know him enough to trust him. In 1999, the rebels and the government signed a peace accord and six other countries were witnesses. A new constitution was promulgated in May 2005 and in 2006 the first free and fair elections were held. Tension increased just before elections and the government, backed by the UN, disarmed all non- governmental factions to keep the nation stable. The trail of this civil war commonly equated to Africa’s first world war has left a trail of death, despair and pain amongst the people with over 5 million dead, several displaced, and thousands of women and children raped. It is interesting to question the ability of the rebel groups to oust governments sequentially. Could someone be funding them? Are there some hidden interests? The minerals in the DRC, and coltan in particular, are treasured gems in the technological era. When raw, coltan, which is composed of columbium and tantalum, looks like black mud or sand. It is used to produce capacitors. Capacitors are used to conduct electrical charge in high tech equipment for example cellular phones, computers and some jet engines. The DRC has the world’s largest reserves of the mineral. Four fifths of the world’s supply of coltan is in Africa and DRC has eighty percent of it. In the late 1900s,the sales of tantalum increased by three hundred percent. This time period coincided with the times of civil war in the DRC.As Dena Montague states in her article, â€Å"Stolen Goods: Coltan and Conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo†, international cooperations such as Banro-resources cooperation, Finconcorde and Raremet imported DRC coltan via Rwanda for use in Asia, Europe and US A. In response to UN accusations of involvement in illegal trading H.C Stark, one of the largest producers of capacitors commented that they only purchase raw materials from established companies. However, established companies were indeed involved in illegally obtaining goods from DRC. Investors restructured deals in support of Desire Kabila instead of Mobutu in 1996.This was a violation of the constitution which stated â€Å"The soil and subsoil belong to the state-prospecting, exploration and exploitation requires permits from Ministry of Mines and Energy.† Local militia backed by Ugandan and Rwandese forces got supplies in form of food, money and military equipment in exchange for smuggled goods. The militia men took stronghold of areas with huge deposits of gold and coltan e.g. Bukavu, Lubumbashi and Mayi. Gold was exported through Uganda and into United Arab Emirates. It was difficult to trace from there. It is worth noting that between 1995 and 2006,gold was one of Uganda’s main exports. Additionally, Uganda had GDP growth rate of 6% per annum in 1999 yet the average GDP in Sub-Saharan Africa was about 2.5%in the same time. These trade revenues undermined the power of the central Congolese government because the Ugandan economy gained more from D.R. Congo’s resources more than the DRC’s economy did. The fact that the international community was in one way or another involved in increasing conflict in the DRC is undeniable. If the corporate investors were genuinely trading with DRC to improve the state of the country, they would have questioned the legitimacy of the DRC based enterprises and suppliers. Another simultaneous consequence of the years of instability was an imbalance in the ecosystem. Wildlife products such as elephant tusks and animal skin were and are still very marketable globally. They were sold or bartered in exchange of food, ammunition and other goods. With a nation in strife, this meant that there were neither environmental regulations nor expensive wildlife products. In the 1990s, there were increased rates of elephant poaching and habitat encroachment in the forest areas of Kahuzi Beiga National Park. Statistics by the UN reveal that in the area of Garamba Park, north eastern DRC, 4000 out of 12000 elephants were killed between 1995 and 1999.[61]The area was controlled by Ugandan troops and Sudanese rebels. This created a human-animal conflict. The militia fed on wild meat when on their missions. Wild meat was also the only easily available food source for the displaced persons. Rebel leaders disarmed the guards in national parks, thus they were unable to patrol the forested areas. Local conservationists also raised the alarm on the decreasing numbers of the bonobo monkeys; famed for language learning abilities when in captivity and complex social behavi or in the wild(Gretchen Vogel).Another result of the clash between man and animal as suggested in the article â€Å"Effects of War and Civil Strife on Wildlife and Wildlife Habitats†, was the spread of human monkey pox and bubonic plague. The people were exposed to more diseases other than water- borne and tropical diseases. With lack of adequate healthcare and restricted movements, the people’s lives were at risk too. The flora and soil were not spared either. The people burned the vegetation and cut trees to get timber and to create room for living and farming. Due to the uncertainty they were in, it is unlikely that their methods of farming were conservative e.g. overharvesting and thus leading to soil erosion. Timber, which is a fundamental raw material for the building industry, was cheaply available to local and international traders thus they found the political situation in the DRCongo very favourable to their activities. Globalization of trade and financial commodities in the world has a general pattern where most of the trade and investments are dominated by a few nations. They make policies that work to their advantage, a fact clearly outlined by Joseph E. Stilitzp in his article â€Å"Globalism Dis contents†. Agriculture, which is the backbone of many African countries, is sometimes left out in some of the import tariff reliefs given internationally on account of globalization. Some regional agreements also exercise some form of discriminatory trade towards agricultural products. Additionally, globalization has led to liquidity of funds due to free financial markets. This means that capital investments can quickly be converted to cash. African states are become vulnerable to liquidity perhaps because of several sectors of the economy that need quick monetary solutions and overreliance on foreign loans as Stiglitzp highlights. One probable outcome from this phenomena in the period of conflict in the D.R.C would be that the rich political leaders in the country became richer and richer whereas the common people sunk deeper into poverty. It is likely that the agricultural sector was neglected(and this is where the people economy was/is based)and the mining industry prioritized. Middlemen from some countries traded weapons and money, with the rebel groups and some political elite, for coltan and other minerals. It is also likely that some foreign companies were given full ownership rights of some mines after giving the leaders of the time were given some money. The Congolese will indeed find it hard to trust their leaders again. The harsh reality right now is that so many families are focused on the primary needs of fending for their families so the idea of demanding for their rights is would sound unpractical. The fragility of this state can be traced to the days of state formation and the nature of subsequent governments. If the leaders who came into power prioritized the formation of a strong army and building of the nation, then we would perhaps tell a different story. This region and several others in Sub-saharan Africa have faced a humanitarian,environmental and political turmoil for too long. To avoid a repeat of the civil war situation and its consequent effects, specific codes of conduct that promote economic and political stability should be considered in the globalization aspect. Foreign investments into Africa require strict policies and an end of the bargain that considers the welfare of the people e. g a company that wants to invest must contribute directly or indirectly towards building a hospital, school or social hall. This will be effective in ensuring that the transition between a globalized market and the previous one involves the whole society in all dimensions of life. This can only happen with government system that is dedicated to building a brighter future for these great nations. The effective building of DRCongo’s economy will involve Congo’s immediate neighbors, the whole of Africa and the world. Conservationists should develop programs in war torn areas so that resource conflicts do not arise in the future. Global gatherings that address environmental issues should also prioritize the critical environmental crisis the Democratic Republic of Congo and in other areas affected by similar or even worse conditions. REFERENCES Globalization, Culture and the Great Disruption: An Assessment International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences February 2012, Vol. 2, No. 2 Dena Montague, Stolen Goods: Coltan and Conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo, SAIS Review 22.1 (2002) 103-118 Joseph P. Dudley1,*, Joshua R. Ginsberg2, Andrew J. Plumptre2, John A. Hart2, Liliana C. Campos3Conservation Biology Volume pages 319–329, April 2002 Effects of War and Civil Strife on Wildlife and Wildlife Habitats Alan Cowell, Letter from Britain: Lack of African Dream Lets a Nightmare Prevail by The International Herald Tribune, 2 August 2006 Stiglitz Joseph.Globalism Discontents Conflict in Congo Threatens Bonobos and Rare Gorillas * Gretchen Vogel Science 31 March 2000: 287 (5462), 2386-2387. [DOI:10.1126/science.287.5462.2386] Report of the UN Panel of Experts on the Illegal Exploitation of Natural Resources and Other Forms of Wealth in the Democratic Republic of Congo, 2002. Reno, William. 1998. Warlord Politics and African States. Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner.(preface of the book)

Monday, September 16, 2019

Hurricane Island: Outward Bound School Case Essay

The objectives of the organization is to provide a safe, challenging, educational experiences in a wilderness setting with is carefully structured to improve self-esteem, self-reliance, concern for others and care for the environment. The strategy taken to achieve that is by carefully constructing the course to provide the challenges while ensuring safety, having the course directors and an active Trustee Safety Committee to rigorously monitored the activities and instructors, and also making sure the instructors are all certified and qualified. So far i think both the objectives and strategy complement each other. The customers are people that search for adventure, wanting to do something more exciting in their life. They are segmented to high school, college students and adults. they are buying the experience of the lifetime that most of their traditional classes or 9-5 job won’t provide. The organization is divided between how to juggle between maintaining their core values yet be sustainable. Their strength is that many of those working in the organization are passionate about what they do and really believe it. This give them real motivation. But their weakness is they do not know how to maximize the utilization of resources, be sustainable, yet able to focus and provide experience for the underprivileged. The various program can help strategize the organization to better position themselves both. The effort put in could be quantify by the amount of increase in recruitment and revenue. Marketing management should have a free hand in resources in the effort in attracting more clients and increase revenue, however operations management will need to focus on the core value of the organization and be the check and balance to the marketing, making sure in the effort to increase revenue, they do not lose focus on the directions. Philip chin should continue with his effort to attract more corporate clients, while making sure his strategy does not take precedent of the core value of the organization

Sunday, September 15, 2019

The newly theory of educationalists

Harmonizing the freshly theory of educationists at place and aboard said that the best age to larn L2 is from 4 to 12 year-old. During these times, most kids have entered simple school. Therefore, it is an indispensable for simple school pupils to put up English lesson, which has become a tendency in most metropoliss in China including their rural topographic points. And the National Ministry of Education issued a papers, which said that bit by bit offer English class in simple school from Grade Three, in 2001. In this new course of study criterion, emotional factors in instruction and acquisition are listed in the top topographic point for the ground that linguistic communication acquisition can non go from the emotion.1.1 The importance of survey students ‘ anxiousnessThere are legion grounds for believing that the influence of anxiousness is really of import in 2nd linguistic communication ( L2 ) acquisition. First, anxiousness is by and large seen as a psychological construct and has been explored by research workers. Spielberg ( 1966 ) defines anxiousness as subjective, consciously sensed feelings of apprehensiveness and tenseness, accompanied by or associated with activation or rousing of the autonomic nervous system. Gardner and MacIntyre ( 1993 ) think, linguistic communication larning anxiousness is the tense and awe emotion in L2 context ( including speech production, listening, reading and composing ) . This anxiousness is connected straight with public presentation in the mark linguistic communication, so non simply a general public presentation anxiousness. Second, students ‘ character has specialness in L2 for they are at advantage in L2 larning. They are characterized by good stimulation, memory and version. Those who begin to larn L2 at an early age are able to do greater accomplishment than those who begin to larn when they are grownups. However, students may hold some disadvantages in L2: undeveloped intelligence, deficiency of self-denial and could non know apart mistakes from their equals and even their instructors with low learning quality and narrow cognition. Besides, different emotion has different impact on L2 acquisition. Harmonizing the research of Eills ( 2000 ) students who are motivated by promotive anxiousness could dispute the new undertaking, arouse their possible and overcome troubles, therefore they get L2 larning success. In contrast, negative emotions and attitudes, such as the psychological science of inordinate pendency, timidness and introvertive personality, particularly anxiousness, will act upon L2 ac quisition and merely receive litter input. â€Å" Anxiety tends to non successful L2 acquisition † ( Arnoldi2000, p.292 ) . Third, students ‘ emotion, American psychological linguists Krashen ‘s 5th premise, is involved the procedure of linguistic communication acquisition and filters linguistic communication input merely like a protection screen commanding the input variables and inhaled measure that they could touch. Therefore, anxiousness, as a negative emotion factor, badly affects simple pupils ‘ motive in English acquisition. Krashen ( 1982 ) besides clearly indicates that students ‘ emotional filtering device through impacting its input variables. Thus the higher acquisition anxiousness, the more the input prevented by the affectional filter device which leads to linguistic communication learning failure ( Krashen, 1985 ) . Spielberg ( 1996 ) surveies show that 20 % pupils give up because of anxiousness and although 6 % of them is merely mild anxiousness. By understanding the correlativity between the linguistic communication anxiousness ( LA ) and English speech production proficiency of students, instructors can assist cut down the pupils ‘ degree of LA and bring forth better acquisition effects in the low-anxiety 1eaming environment. It is hoped that the findings will pull instructors ‘ attending to pupils ‘ tilting demands and acknowledge what and why students like to make in classroomi?Z The concluding and necessary significance is to acquire the pedagogical solutions based on writer ‘s research and cognize how to supply a low dying environment for the pupils and do them larn English more expeditiously and happy.1.2 The background of researching students ‘ anxiousnessAnxiety plays a nucleus in linguistic communication acquisition. Decreasing the negative consequence of anxiousness and sensible use of anxiousness have become indispensable parts of L2 larning. Therefore, students ‘ anxiousness has now drawn much attending from both linguists and linguistic communication instructors. In other words the importance of students ‘ anxiousness has received more and more attending in the past 20 old ages or so. From late 1970s to 1980s, some bookmans showed their concerns about affectional spheres. Many theories such as Krashen ‘s proctor theoretical account discuss the important function of affectional variables. In Krashen ‘s theoriesithe good known affectional filter hypothesis describes the relationship between affectional factors and L2 acquisition. The natural attack by Krashen and Terrell ( 1983 ) is an case, which is designed to assist novices go intermediates. It provides comprehendible input to scholars by following different sorts of techniques and activities. Bailey ( 1983 ) analyzed that the LA is caused by competition, scrutiny and interpersonal relationship between instructors and students. Horwitz, Horwitz and Cope ( 1986 ) were the first to handle foreign LA separate and distinguishable phenomenon peculiar to linguistic communication acquisition. Since 1990s, researches into anxiousness survey began bit by bit have become a focal point of present survey. MacIntyre wrote, in 1999, that â€Å" the term foreign LA, or more merely LA, was merely get downing to be used in the literature † . Trait anxiousness has been improved to impact cognitive functioningidisrupt memory, lead to avoidance behaviour and some other effects ( MacIntyre & A ; Gardner 1991 a ) . Gardner and MacIntyre stated that the strongest ( negative ) correlative of linguistic communication accomplishment is anxiousness ( 1993 ) . Studies show the negative correlativity of anxiousness with the undermentioned: self-esteem, i.e. , the judgement of one ‘s ain worth ( Horwitz, Horwitz and Cope 1 986 ; Price 1991 ; Scarcella and Oxford 1 992 ) Since now, Chinese bookmans besides begin to concentrate on anxiousness in acquisition and instruction. Liu Meihua and Shen Mingbo ( 2004 ) pointed out that there were two sorts of anxiousness in English schoolroom: trait anxiousness and environment anxiousness. Both of them influenced the pupils ‘ unwritten English public presentation negatively. Zhang Baoyan ( 1996 ) made a research on the correlativity between LA and listening proficiency among 40 Chinese college pupils. However, much of the research is frequently focused on certain facets and much of it is used for college pupils, high school pupils or secondary school pupils and seldom used for simple. Over the past old ages, there were legion surveies on students ‘ anxiousness of L2, but most of them focused on either college degree ( Aida, 1994 ; Ganschow et a1. , 1994 ) or high school degree ( Chang, 1999 ; Ganschow & A ; Sparks 1996 ; Liao 1999 ) . Few of them paid attending to primary school degree except the su rvey of Chan and Wu ( 2000 ) . The anxiousness is closely related with students ‘ motive in English acquisition. The proper anxiousness could imitate students to get the better of troubles and to prosecute deeper cognition, while inordinate anxiousness work stoppages pupils simulations of English acquisition. In the facet of encouragement, the congratulations is able to imitate immature scholars ‘ larning involvement and positive emotion, give rise to and so beef up larning motive and eventually do them take enterprises and to develop their accomplishments and abilities. In a word, encouragement could decrease students ‘ anxiousness in L2. And this English acquisition tide is farther encouraged by an of importII Problems of Teaching and Learning English Existing in simple SchoolsThe fact that English has become one of the focal points of kids instruction in China is undeniable. However there are several jobs still at that place.2.1 Problems from facets of English instructionFrom the â€Å" instr uction † facet: 1 ) LA in learning is non adequate solid. The New Curriculum Criteria enhances learning ends, taking at spoken linguistic communication, unit of ammunition grammar applying, vocabulary memorizing and all the ends which can better the simple school pupils ‘ public presentation in larning English. Hence some of the instructors neglect the importance of students ‘ LA. 2 ) The positive influence of anxiousness has been looked down. Most instructors think any anxiousness is negative in learning. However, the proper anxiousness helps to hike students ‘ motive on English acquisition, which is good for instructor to take advantage of this positive influence to imitate students ‘ involvement.2.2 Problems from facets of English acquisitionFrom the â€Å" acquisition † facet, 1 ) Elementary school ‘s English has no scrutiny force per unit area of come ining a higher school. The individual rating instrument leads to the deficiency of pupils ‘ motive to larn. Many pupils merely interested in larning for a piece, and with the addition of analyzing trouble, the more learning, the more hard. Gradually they lose their acquisition involvements and make a sense of failure, therefore lose the assurance in larning English. 2 ) As instructors neglect to pay their attending to students ‘ anxiousness, consequence in instructors ‘ taking vocabulary, grammar for their chief instruction undertakings. It does non suit the psychological features and larning features of students. 3 ) Class limited. Since merely three hours of a hebdomad, students ‘ anxiousness aroused from the category could non be fleet lessened in category, therefore they begin to mistrust their capableness for L2, which draw them experience a weary of L2.III Language anxiousness3.1 Definition of linguistic communication anxiousnessLanguage anxiousness ( LA ) can be defined as the fright or apprehensiveness happening when a scholar is expected to execute in the 2nd or foreign linguistic communication ( Gardner & A ; MacIntyre 1993 ) or the concern and negative emotional reaction when acquisition or utilizing a 2nd linguistic communication ( L2 ) ( MacIntyre 1999 ) . The literature on affectional variables in L2 acquisition shows that anxiousness is one of the cardinal factors in L2 acquisition. Although anxiousness plays an of import function in L2 acquisition, research has non produced a consensus refering that function. The inconsistent findings suggest that anxiousness is a complex concept, as is its map in L2 acquisition. Horwitz, Horwitz, and Cope ( 1986 ) were the first to handle foreign linguistic communication anxiousness as a separate and distinguishable phenomenon peculiar to linguistic communication acquisition ( Young, 1991 ) . At the clip, the term foreign linguistic communication anxiousness, or more merely linguistic communication LA, was merely get downing to be used in the literature ( MacIntyre, 1999 ) . LA is merely one of several types of anxiousness that have been identified by psychologists. In general, there are two attacks to description of LA: ( 1 ) LA may be viewed as a manifestation of other more general types of anxiousness. For illustration, test-anxious people may experience dying when larning a linguistic communication because they feel invariably tested or diffident people may experience uncomfortable of the demands of pass oning publically. ( 2 ) LA may be seen as a typical signifier of anxiousness expressed in response to linguistic communication acquisition. That is, something alone to the language-learning experience makes some persons nervous.3.2 Types of linguistic communication anxiousnessScovel ( 1978 ) , establishing on the features of individuals with LA, divided LA into trait anxiousness ( that is the inclination of persons in footings of anxiousness and psychological features of personality ) , province anxiousness ( that is the pupils produced a minute of a nxiousness ) and state of affairs specific anxiousness ( that refers to specific state of affairss, such as a peculiar minute in public statements, scrutinies, category engagement and other persons to see anxiousness ) , in which state-type anxiousness is the merchandise uniting trait anxiousness with state of affairs specific anxiousness. In L2 acquisition, the factor of trait anxiousness is less of import, while sometimes the function of province anxiousness is easing, and sometimes the function is enfeebling. Harmonizing the impact of LA on pupils, LA is divided into easing anxiousness and enfeebling anxiousness sing by Alpert and Harber. Generally speech production, easing anxiousness is associated with high acquisition and public presentation which can promote students to dispute themselves and new undertakings, self-regulating the force per unit area from LA, through imitating students to get the better of acquisition troubles, while enfeebling anxiousness is a sort of anxiousness that harms larning and public presentation, that is to state, enfeebling anxiousness leads a great trade of the negative consequence to students and forms a hinder of soaking up from L2 larning. Students who have enfeebling anxiousness may experience concern and self-double, they will cut down their engagement and create turning away of linguistic communication. Gardner and Maclntyre stated that the strongest ( negative ) correlative of linguistic communication accomplishment is anxiousness ( 1993 ) . Studies show the negative correlativity of anxiousness with the undermentioned: self-esteem, i.e. , the judgement of one ‘s ain worth ( Horwitz, Horwitz and Cope 1986 ; Price 1991 ; Scarcella and Oxford 1992 ) ; public presentation in speech production and composing undertakings ( Trylong 1987 ; Young 1986 ) ; assurance in linguistic communication acquisition ( Maclntyre and Gardner 1991 ; Gardner and Maclntyre 1993 ) ; classs in linguistic communication class ( Aida 1994 ; Horwitz 1986 ; Trylong 1987 ) ; proficiency trial public presentation ( Ganshow, Sparks, Anderson, Javorsky, Skinner and Patton 1994 ; Gardner, Ladonde, Moorcroft and Evers 1987 ) . The relationship between linguistic communication and linguistic communication public presentation is complex. Young ( 1991 ) explained that sometimes linguistic communication anxiousness is negatively related to one accomplishment and non another. Ganschow, Sparks, Anderson, Javorsky, Skiller and Patton ( 1994 ) suggested that high anxiousness might be a consequence of linguistic communication larning jobs instead than the cause. Some research workers suggested that linguistic communication anxiousness was really â€Å" easing † or â€Å" helpful † in some ways, such as maintaining pupils alert ( Scovel 1978 ) . Facilitating anxiousness has been shown in a few surveies related to: high linguistic communication proficiency and assurance among a hand-picked group of first-class linguistic communication scholars ( Ehrman and Oxford 1995 ) ; unwritten production of hard English constructions among native Arabic-speakers and Spanish-speakers ( Kleinmann 1977 ) ; good classs in linguistic communication categories for pupils in regular Gallic, German, and Spanish categories but non for pupils in audio linguistic categories ( Chastain 1975 ) . On the being of anxiousness ‘s helpfulness, linguistic communication research workers hold different positions. Horwitz ( 1990 ) suggested that anxiousness is merely helpful for really simple acquisition undertakings, but non with more complicated acquisition such as linguistic communication acquisition. Young Terrell ( 1992 ) interviewed Rardin, Omaggio Hadley and Krashen the experts of linguistic communication larning about the helpfulness of linguistic communication anxiousness. Rardin said that a positive facet of anxiousness operates all the clip, but we merely notice when a negative instability occurs. Omaggio Hadley responded that a certain sum of tenseness might be utile for linguistic communication acquisition, but she refused to name the tenseness â€Å" anxiousness † . Similarly, Terrell preferred to name such tenseness â€Å" attending † instead than â€Å" anxiousness † . Krashen contended that anxiousness is incapacitated to linguistic communi cation acquisition, but it might be helpful for the scholars in formal linguistic communication larning state of affairss.3.3 Components of linguistic communication anxiousnessBailey ( 1983 ) considered the ground that gives rise to LA including competition, scrutiny, the relationship between instructor and scholars. Horwitz and her co-workers ( 1986 ) conceptualized the constituents of LA particularly L2 larning into three parts: communicating apprehensiveness, trial anxiousness, and fright of negative rating3.3.1 Communication apprehensivenessCommunication apprehensiveness is â€Å" an person ‘s degree of fright or anxiousness associated with either existent or awaited communicating with another individual or individuals † ( McCroskey, 1982, p.27 ) . Harmonizing to this definition, the contents of LA are logically related to these of communicating apprehensiveness, because one of the most outstanding maps of linguistic communication is to pass on interpersonally. It i s assumed that people who are communicatively discerning in their native linguistic communication will see even Beater anxiousness in talking L2. However, some people who are communicatively discerning in a L2 are non needfully apprehensive in their native linguistic communication. In fact, L2 communicating apprehensiveness is best predicted by native linguistic communication apprehensiveness. The Personal Report of Communication Apprehension ( PRCA ) , foremost developed by McCroskey in 1970, was revised in 1982 to a 24-item from which is used to measure grownups ‘ communicating apprehensiveness in four state of affairss, viz. , in dyad interpersonal conversation, group treatment, meetings and public speech production. In one article, McCroskey proposed that the cogency of a step was best predicted by the consistence between empirical consequences and hypotheses of experiments based upon theories associating to the concept of the step. He summarized surveies which employed the PRCA as a step of communicating apprehensiveness harmonizing to the five proposition of communicating apprehensiveness theory. These five propositions were: 1. Peoples vary in the grade to which they are discerning about unwritten communicating with other people. 2. Peoples with high unwritten communicating apprehensiveness seek to avoid unwritten communicating. 3. Peoples with high unwritten communicating apprehensiveness engage in less unwritten communicating than make less orally discerning people. 4. When people with high unwritten communicating apprehensiveness do pass on, their unwritten communicating behaviour differs from that of people who are less discerning. 5. As a consequence of their unwritten communicating behaviour, extremely communicatively discerning people are perceived less positively by others than are less discerning people ( McCroskey 1978 ) . The PRCA conducted harmonizing to four types of communicating apprehensiveness which were the most obvious types an person encountered in the communicating contexts ( McCroskey, 1982 ) . Trait-Like Communication Apprehension is the first type which experienced by many individuals in a instead general province across all communicating contexts. Generalized-Situation Communication Apprehension which represents communicating apprehensiveness in a individual generalised context is the 2nd type. For case, one individual may be extremely discerning in one state of affairs, for illustration public speech production, but may see less anxiousness in other state of affairss as little group treatment. The 3rd type is Person-Group Communication Apprehension which involves an orientation of the single toward communicating with a specific individual or group of individuals under whatever fortunes the communicating took topographic point. Situation Communication Apprehension is the 4th type, it com bines those apprehension orientations above which happened to the person while pass oning with given single or groups, in a given clip and context.3.3.2 Test anxiousnessTest anxiousness is, â€Å" the inclination to go alarmed about the effects of unequal public presentation on a trial or other rating † ( Sarason 1984 ) i investigated in L2 larning procedure, and the consequences of these surveies are really confusing and non easy to construe. In Young ‘s survey ( 1986 ) , an outstanding negative correlativity between anxiousness and the Oral Proficiency Interview is found. In another survey, Chastain ( 1975 ) correlated the trial tonss of French, German, and Spanish scholars with two anxiousness graduated tables. And Chastain besides found that the tonss of Gallic audio-lingual method pupils were negatively correlated with the trial anxiousness, while the tonss of traditional German and Spanish pupils were positively correlated with trial anxiousness. A figure of facto rs can take to the trial anxiousness, such as the negative experience that pupils one time have experienced before, less assurance to execute in the testing state of affairss or being afraid of holding bad tonss on trials. All of these can develop prevenient anxiousness. Another factor which contributes to the trial anxiousness is deficiency of readying. Students will experience overwhelmed when their clip direction and survey wonts are really hapless, and deficiency of organisation. The scholars who follow a clear perusal program will experience more confident than those who are loath but forced to jam in L2 larning procedure. Suitable force per unit area for pupils who want to execute better in the trials is a good motive, but if it is excessively serious, the consequences are opposite. Thought in this facet, pupils should pay much attending on the negative effects of failure, instead than fix to be successful in the trials.3.3.3 Fear of negative evaluatedWatson & A ; Friend defin ed it as â€Å" apprehensiveness about others ‘ ratings, turning away of appraising state of affairss, and the outlook that others would measure one negatively † ( Watson & A ; Friend 1969 ) . The fright of negative rating is similar to prove anxiousness. The former is broader in range for trial anxiousness which is merely limited to the trial pickings state of affairss, but fright of negative rating may happen in any societal state of affairs. The fright of hapless public presentation and ridicule by equals is mistaking to one ‘s â€Å" linguistic communication self-importance † . The self-image of L2 scholars, particularly of students, is challenged because they have less control over the linguistic communication and do non experience like themselves when talking a L2. Horwitz and her associates concluded that LA is non merely the combination of communicating apprehensiveness, trial anxiousness and fright of negative rating, although they form the foundation of linguistic communication anxiousness surveies. LA should be regard as â€Å" a distinguishable composite of self-perceptions, beliefs, feelings, and behaviours related to classroom linguistic communication larning originating from the singularity of the linguistic communication larning procedure † ( Horwitz et al. , 1986, p.128 )IV Methods and Measure of lessen students ‘ anxiousnessThis chapter will present the methods of the survey and discourse the steps of lessen students ‘ anxiousness in 2nd linguistic communication acquisition.4.1 MethodsThis probes aim at larning the degree of students ‘ anxiousness so far, seeking and the doing factors of students ‘ anxiousness 1 ) Questionnaires The participants of the questionnaires are 21students from Kehuan English preparation school, whose ages are from 8 to 13. Two questionnaires were applied in this survey. Questionnaire 1 of Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale of Primary School was designed by the writer to observe pupils ‘ linguistic communication anxiousness. Questionnaire 2 was used to calculate out that which schoolroom activities were popular among pupils, whereas, which activities made pupils nervous, and beginnings and factors arousing pupils ‘ anxiousness were to be found out every bit good. 2 ) Interviews The present survey uses pupil interviews to calculate out pupils ‘ English acquisition experiences and other beginnings arousing their dying reactions in and outside the schoolroom. The interviews start with the undermentioned inquiries: What hold your parents done about your English propensity? How do you experience in English category? Do you believe you have English larning anxiousness? Do you believe what grounds straight lead to your anxiousness?4.2 Analysis the factors taking students ‘ anxiousnessHarmonizing analysis the studies, it is easy to cognize that students ‘ LA is caused by the undermentioned four grounds: 1 the scholar ‘s ain failings such as deficiency of assurance ; 2 inordinate demands from parents on their kids, deficiency of communicating ; 3 instructors improperly steering.Failings from students ‘ charactersPupils deficiency of self- assurance easiness to be anxiousness in larning L2. Some students may of course timid that they do n't cognize what to make or bury the most familiar cognition due to tenseness, even if they carefully fix in category to speech. Some conservative students who lack of adventuresome spirit fright of doing errors for being joked after category. In add-on, writer besides found that the students from hapless household or countryside have higher anxiousness.4.2.2 Excessive demands from parents on their kidsParental unrealistic demands or missing communicating frequently affects students ‘ larning emotion which causes LA. Through single interviews, writer analysis the consequence of relationship between parents and students, and found that the parents with high instruction background wage attending to pass on with their kids, while the low instruction background 1s non merely have non adequate communicating, but evaluate their kid in a really signal certify: tonss foremost. They think that the pupils with first-class academic perforates are good kids ; the pupils with worse academic perforates are bad 1s. These wrong judgements overburden students L2 acquisition, which result in students have to hard work to derive a high mark. But the effect is non every bit good as parents ‘ outlook for the factors of intelligent, survey schemes, and larning capacity. Most of hapless household parents fiting with non high educational background make money by high- tenseness manual work. The disproportionate payment force they desperately desire their kids altering destiny through first-class larning mark in school. Although there are many outstanding pupils among them, the general students are common pupils who are sing LA, such as embarrassment, cryings, self-blame and even give up, in forepart of larning reverses.4.2.3 Teachers improperly steeringTeachers are one of chief indispensable educational scenes. In the procedure of L2 acquisition, the instructor is the most of import factor. Pupils ‘ LA is non merely about their ain psychological qualities, but besides about the direct or indirect relationship with their instructors. In learning procedure, instructors due to their quality or improperly utilizing educational methods or means impact on students ‘ larning psychological science which easy causes LA. Besides, some instructors with bad piques are frequently austere, who could make n't digest any mistake of students, so that they prefer to penalize or utilize bodily penalty, which add students ‘ psychological load, advancing larning hostility, and hinder students ‘ roundly grow and school ‘ normal instruction.4.3 Measures of lessen linguistic communication anxiousness4.3.1 Measures to get the better of failings of students ‘ charactersGet the better ofing students ‘ failings of characters chiefly focus on hiking their assurance of English and imitating their acquisition motive through promoting them that they can get the better of any trouble when they learning English. The instructors can utilize the undermentioned steps to advance students ‘ assurance: First, making a comfy, non-threatening environment to promote moderate risk-taking without aching pupils ‘ self-pride ; Second, to avoid rectifying errors made by pupils purely in the schoolroom ; Third, to utilize proper competition in the schoolroom ; Fourthly, to set frontward proper schoolroom ends and demands harmonizing to the different degrees of the pupils ; Fifthly, to give wagess in clip to pupils to cultivate self-esteem and cut down the anxiousness ensuing from fearing of negative rating ; Sixthly, to avoid inquiring the pupils for perfect public presentation in English schoolroom ; Seventhly, to assist pupils utilize active pedagogical deductions, for illustration, self-encouragement ; Eighthly, to avoid the activities that pupils think unhappy ; Ninthly, to avoid the activities which are in hit with larning purposes ; Tenthly, to avoid the activities which are above or beyo nd the pupils ‘ abilities ; Eleventh, to avoid the activities which are harmful to self-image and social-image ; Twelfth, to utilize acquisition in 2nd schoolroom to assurance and concerted self-pride ; Thirteenth, to promote the pupils to larn to esteem, understand and do friends with others While using the above suggestions, the pupils can cover with linguistic communication of self-esteem and negative rating efficaciously every bit possible as they can. Merely in this manner can the pupils enjoy larning English and accomplish success in English acquisition.4.3.2 Measures to parents ‘ influenceParents should convey good influence on their kid, because they are students ‘ key grownups whose attitudes straight relate to students ‘ motive to L2 acquisition. 1 ) Puting up good parent- instructor partnerships Schools as the specific educational establishment have abundant educational cognition, while parents are non provided with these. Therefore, schools should heighten partnership with parents and promote rational theory: 1. Schools can present circular educational theory by school-newspapers. The school-newspaper edits instructors learning contemplation and jobs they one time meted and solved and students ‘ heartfelt want about larning. All of these are helpful to beef up the communicating between schools and parents. 2. Parents meeting should be convoked on a regular basis. In the meeting, parents should be allowed together with pedagogues to place concerns, analyze state of affairss, develop and implement programs, and measure end attainment. Problem work outing, information assemblage, and resource sharing are all heightened. The attitudes parents and pedagogues hold about each other set the phase for an atmosphere conducive for the formation of effectual relationships. School forces that attempt to set plans into topographic point in the absence of constructive attitudes and a healthy ambiance will probably see limited success 2 ) Establish positive household larning environment Family is the 2nd of import acquisition topographic point for students, in which parents ‘ words and actions and other environment factors affect students ‘ L2 acquisition, therefore set uping a positive household environment is indispensable: 1. Parents should promote their kids to demo what they have learnt in school and praise their first-class public presentation, which aims at heightening students ‘ L2 larning assurance and hiking their acquisition motive. 2. Parents should collaborate with instructors to supervise consequence of L2 larning in school and pressing students to complete prep and practising unwritten English.4.3.3 Measures to instructors ‘ improper guidingThe instructor should excite the pupils ‘ motive and involvement of English acquisition. Harmonizing to the pupils ‘ degree, instructors arrange different undertakings and set frontward different demands so that pupils are able to complete them to avoid increasing larning anxious ness, which can set up the pupils ‘ assurance in English acquisition. Teachers should hold rich cognition to do English category gratifying. Teachers should be patient to assist pupils get the better of anxiousness as a effect of failure experience. Teachers should hold higher professional quality aimed at offering comprehendible input in English category, doing it easy for the pupils to analyze English. Teachers should make a relaxing, active and stress-free acquisition ambiance in which pupils do n't waver to talk English and dare return hazard in take parting in assorted learning activities. It is of import for pupils to acknowledge linguistic communication larning anxiousness. So it is instructors ‘ duties to do the pupils cognizant of larning anxiousness and take effectual steps to decrease larning anxiousness. Teachers should promote the pupils to take an active portion in linguistic communication pattern. The more pupils pattern English, the more assurance they ha ve. Proper rating is an of import method for cut downing English acquisition anxiousness. Teachers should be wise in happening out the pupils ‘ good qualities so as to advance them to confront troubles. The instructors ‘ response to pupils ‘ public presentation should be neither a simple â€Å" right † or â€Å" incorrect † , nor a simple â€Å" Yes † or â€Å" No † . At the same clip, instructors must carefully make up one's mind when, how frequently, and most significantly, how mistakes are corrected. Teachers should make a non-threatening acquisition environment for the pupils because it is critical for pupils to larn English. Merely when the pupils feel stress-free can they decrease larning anxiousness every bit possible as they can. Teachers should learn the pupils in conformity of their aptitude and esteem their single differences in the procedure of set uping learning undertakings. Teacher should be cognizant of their influence on pupils and do everything they can to cut down English larning anxiousness. Depending on the pupils ‘ demands and cultural background, the instructors can utilize any or all of the undermentioned suggestions for decreasing linguistic communication anxiousness by Rebecca L. Oxford ( 1999 ) . a‘ Help pupils understand that linguistic communication anxiousness episodes can be transeunt and do non necessarily develop into a permanent job ; a‘?Boost the self-esteem and assurance of pupils for whom linguistic communication anxiousness has already become a long-run trait by supplying multiple chances for schoolroom success in the linguistic communication ; a‘?Encourage moderate risk-taking and tolerance of ambiguity in a comfy, non-threatening environment ; a‘?Reduce the competition nowadays in the schoolroom ; a‘ ¤ Be really clear about schoolroom ends and aid pupils develop schemes to run into thoseV ConclusionThis survey has investigated the differe nce of L2 larning anxiousness of primary school pupils from 2 Grade to 6 Grade, examined the relationship between LA and students ‘ L2 accomplishments and probed into the factors that could elicit students ‘ LA. The consequence of this research can be summarized as follows: In the first topographic point, this research shows that students ‘ LA is obvious, and the higher degrees of LA students have, the lower accomplishment they get. Second, the grounds that arouse students ‘ LA are assorted, hence lessen students ‘ 2nd linguistic communication larning anxiousness should be actualized from the facets of pupils, instructors and parents. Students should positively take portion into L2 category and courageously demo their accomplishments and inquire inquiries about L2 acquisition. Teachers should pay attending to pupils ‘ L2 larning psychological science, set up easy and happy instruction environment, and beef up the relationship with parents. As for parents, they should supply a good L2 acquisition environment, promote their kids to pattern L2 and give them great psychological comfortable and emotional support. Third, communicating apprehensiveness, English trials and fright of negative rating are some causes that provoke students ‘ linguistic communication acquisition anxiousness. As simple English instructors, we should maintain these differences between second-grade pupils and six-grade pupils in head, which would assist us to take preferred learning methods might student systems and closely supervise the schoolroom clime to place specific beginnings of pupil anxiousness for different class pupils. In order to cut down the anxiousness degree in the linguistic communication category, we suggest instructors speak more easy and reenforce the stuff to help comprehension and keeping, provide instructional stuff more relevant to pupils ‘ life or ends, and be cognizant of single acquisition manners. In add-on, instructors can utilize more whole-class activities, because probe consequences of this research indicate that non merely third-grade pupils but besides sixth-grade pupils like the whole-class activity. Furthermore, instructors do non overtly or harshly correct the mistake, but merely repeats the phrase in the proper grammatical or phonic signifier. Correct feedback is given, but errors are non emphasized in forepart of the others. It might besides be helpful if the instructor points out that errors are an built-in portion of the acquisition procedure and are non to be feared.